Deepening Democracy was presented during the International Conference on Youth and Democratization in Africa: Lessons Learned and Comparative Experiences organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) in Addis Ababa, 1-3 November.
Deepening Democracy, was presented by Vidar Helgesen during the 127th Assembly of the International Parliamentary Union in Quebec, Canada, on 24 October 2012. An overview of the guidelines for the session here.
Profundizando la democracia, se presentó en el Colegio de México el 10 de octubre durante el III Foro de la Democracia Latinoamericana. Vidar Helgesen, Secretario General de IDEA Internacional, habló sobre recomendaciones de la Comisión Global para mejorar la calidad de la integridad electoral en el mundo.
Deepening Democracy, was presented by Louise Arbour on 26 September, in the margins of the United Nations General Assembly, at an event co-convened by the governments of Australia and Chile, and moderated by Vidar Helgesen.
Deepening Democracy: A Strategy for Improving the Integrity of Elections Worldwide, launched 14 September in London, is now available for download.
The Global Commission is now on Twitter: follow @GCEDS_Integrity and stay updated.
Deepening democracy
Deepening Democracy, the report of the Global Commission on Elections, Democracy and Security, is now available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.
About Us
The Global Commission on Elections, Democracy and Security works to promote and protect the integrity of the electoral process, which is fundamental for sustainable democracy. The Commission has distilled recommendations to governments, regional and international organizations on how to prioritize and implement principles and practices to enhance the integrity of electoral processes. More

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the time is ripe to underscore the rule of law, democratic governance and citizen empowerment as integral elements to achieving sustainable development, security and a durable peace. Kofi A. Annan